Building an operating system for
Computer Science Education
Purdue University: Preparing Teachers

The goal of the CS4EDU project at Purdue University is to create new pathways for undergraduate education majors to become computationally educated secondary teachers. This includes a joint effort between faculty in the Department of Computer Science and the College of Education to create a Computer Science Teaching Endorsement program. Dr. Aman Yadav and Dr. Tim Korb both contribute to the CS4EDU initiative and Dr. Chris Mayfield supported the program as a graduate student in 2010 and 2011. Learn more about others involved in this work. The main goal of this project is to create pathways for education students to become CS teachers.


Dr. Aman Yadav

Dr. Aman Yadav

Associate Professor of Educational Psychology with a courtesy appointment in the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University

Dr. Tim Korb

Dr. Tim Korb

Assistant Department Head in the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University

Dr. Chris Mayfield

Dr. Chris Mayfield

Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at James Madison University

Purdue University